3 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi

Entire industry is required!

A trade fair of international importance such as the imminent, pre-routed to four weeks, ispo is naturally focused gucci sneakers on the future, it determines the trends of the upcoming season and is above all things, but also a sign for future economic development of the entire industry. Looking at the results of last year and the current situation, it should be noted in much of the industry, but a considerable feeling low.

In numbers, there is the as follows:

According to the results of the latest industry survey by the BSI (VJ figures in brackets) at least 59% (53%) of businesses with current business situation satisfactory and 15% (28%) describe it as very good or good. But) one in four companies, namely 26% (19%, is not satisfied. Here, however, should be noted that especially in the sporting goods, shoes camping and leisure industry, the BSI, there are significant developments in companies, ie Companies that operate in the same range of field, show huge differences.

The future business situation of 62% (73%), ie two thirds of the companies with consistent, but nevertheless described by 9% (21%) with favorable and the proportion that is set in the future no great expectations for 29% (6%). This is compared with other consumer industries, a relatively good result.

This is also the fact points out that as many as 18% want to make business expansion.

A look back at the results gucci shoes of last year shows that all three measured quantities of production, exports and imports have declined somewhat, and that is now under the present official statistics of production of around 3 billion euros in 2001 to around 2.87 billion, while exports of approximately 0.74 billion euros in 2001 to 0.60 billion and imports of around 1.84 billion to 1.8 billion euros. Based on these figures are factory supply or import prices.

The total market volume at retail prices is likely to have in the past year remain located at over 7 billion euros.

Allow me a small digression here back to 1980 that shows the development of the 3 measured quantities of production, export and import in the last 20 years.

The evaluation of the official foreign trade statistics, supplemented by his own calculations, shows that even in the past year 2002, the main customers and suppliers in the EU continues to be room. The main exporting countries, and there were a total of around 80 are: Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, followed by France, U.S., Britain, Italy and Belgium. The main importing countries, a total of about 60, are China, Italy and Taiwan, followed by Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Austria, Turkey and the United States.

Let me make the above-mentioned values of the BSI survey still a few general comments. Reason for poor performance and declining values in measures of production, imports and exports is primarily the overall economic situation in Germany and in the major consuming countries, which is partially characterized for different reasons, by buying, saving and fear negative structural influences. The early summer survey of DIHK forecast for 2003, only a "red zero" and provides this fiscal year with the recession in 1993 the same. The modest global economy and the strong Euro make it difficult to export considerably.

But the causes are also and especially in the psychological field, when for example the impact of the Iraq crisis and the discussions on Agenda 2010 (including the reform of social security funds in Germany) is considered.

It might have been, particularly in Germany and also in our industry every reason for optimism: Despite some political opposition and economic difficulties very much in nature has succeeded since the beginning of the 90ies in Germany, an entire national territory with absolutely ailing economy and a population of around 16 to integrate millions of people and offer nearly the same economic framework, as in West Germany. That this does not expire without structural distortions, increasing unemployment and "white spots" on the map would have any non-euphoric and so sensible economists predict.

Some consumer goods industries have experienced over the last two decades, much larger structural changes, particularly in view of the middle class, as in the sporting goods, was reported camping and leisure industry. But there is one, although at risk, medium-sized businesses on both providers as well as on consumer side.

Moreover, could the large internationally active German companies and brands on the German and international market assert with success.

Also successfully maintained, the Messe München ispo, which prevailed as the only major international trade fair, with two events a year in the face of international competition and exhibition is now sole exhibition and information platform for the international sporting goods market. With joy and great satisfaction, we have taken before the fair to note that it is again able to secure new international key exhibitors and other major brands to get back.

I would also like to express once again our thanks to the project managers who have done a fantastic job.

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